Posts in Primary
Jeanine Beylefeld

Bachelor of Education (Primary and ECE), Bachelor of Education (Psychology of Education)

In 2008, my husband and I moved to New Zealand where I helped establish and manage one of the largest preschools in Takapuna for 10 years. After maternity leave, I returned to Primary Education as a relief teacher in Auckland before moving to Ahuroa when I began teaching at Horizon.

I have the privilege of teaching the youngest students in our school. Their passion and enthusiasm for life drive me. I believe in making the classroom a fun-filled space where everyone is accepted and inspired to reach their full potential. My role is fostering a love for learning and school, setting them up well for future years.

When I'm not at school, I enjoy spending my time doing anything creative. I love DIY projects and interior decorating.

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Katherine Wyllie

Bachelor of Arts, Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching

Ko Katherine Wyllie tēnei. I have been teaching for six years. I have just returned to teaching after having my lovely daughter.

I am a kaiako in the New Entrant space here at Horizon School. I love supporting tamariki as they make the transition to school life. I am a passionate junior teacher.

I spend a lot of time with my whānau and friends outside of school.

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Allyson Peddle

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)

My family and I live on a farm in the Omaha area. I have 2 teenage daughters and my husband is a farm manager.

I am a primary school teacher and have taught in a variety of schools for almost 20 years. My passion is to make each pupil feel important.

I feel blessed to be working here at Horizon, as I really enjoy interacting with children, and to be a part of this staff who are so passionate about what they do.

I also look after our school library and am privileged to be working with a fantastic team of dedicated volunteers.

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Vanessa Holdsworth

B-Prim Ed

I moved her from South Africa 16 years ago. I am married, Have two sons and a super cute granddaughter. Horizon School has been a real calling for my life. God has truly blessed our time here, and given us strong ties into the community.

My roles within the school vary as a teacher, team leader and WSL Kahui Ako leader. I love working with the students and building relationships with them.

I have learnt to bike ride and have been on many (easy) mountain bike adventures. Our favourite caravan holiday is somewhere with a cycleway. When I am in the forest either walking or cycling I seem to feel God's presence more and my soul is restored.

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Stacey Marfleet

Bachelor in Education, postgraduate in digital leadership

I am born and raised in Waitakere. After schooling I travelled to England to work and explore Europe. When I returned, I studied teaching while also working as a Swim Coach. My first teaching position was in West Auckland in an Enviro School surrounded by NZ Native bush. I left West Auckland to be closer to family, the beach and a smaller community. I am married and have 3 beautiful girls

My role at Horizon is to support the year 3/4 children through their education. I enjoy getting to know the children and whanau, learning about their passions and exploring new learning together.

In my free time I enjoy swimming, bush walks, learning about the environment, being outside with my kids, movie nights and baking.

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Simon Bartlett

Bachelor of Teaching

My teaching career began in the Waikato before working in a specialist role in South Auckland. I then spent nine years teaching in the UAE in the Middle East before returning back to Aotearoa to work in a Special Education school in Hamilton.

My primary role at Horizon is Deputy Principal but I am also a classroom teacher. I am committed to raising achievement for all learners by fostering an inclusive and culturally responsive environment that promotes a sense of belonging and acceptance for all.

I live locally with my amazing wife Carmel who also works here at Horizon and two children. I enjoy skateboarding, experiencing live music, mountain biking, exploring local beaches, and have recently taken up surfing.

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Grace Presland-White

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Primary), Bachelor of Sport and Recreation

I grew up in the local area and have a very strong connection to this beautiful place we call home. I am married with 3 children who attend Horizon School and love being connected to our local church.

I recently moved from teaching new entrant Tamariki, to teaching year 5/6. I love connecting with the heart of each learner and seeing them understand new concepts. I am also passionate about seeing the Special Character of our school flourish in the lives of all our learners.

I enjoy being active in the beautiful outdoors, reading a good book and drinking coffee.

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Suzanne Zaisluik

Bachelor Science in Computer Networking, Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Teaching, Post Graduate Certificate in Digital and Collaborative Learning.

Kia ora, I am Suzanne Zaisluik and this year I am teaching the lovely Year 5/6 in Room 10. I arrived in Aotearoa, from Scotland, in 2007 and taught at a Catholic School on the North Shore since my arrival. I completed a Post Grad in Primary teaching in 2006 and have since completed a Post Grad in Digital & Collaborative Learning. I have an interest in using digital technologies, as a tool, to enable our children to challenge themselves to lead their own learning, and my position to facilitate that learning, developing the skills needed by the children to succeed in this digital age, utilising their strengths and learning styles.

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Jess Raffills

Bachelor of Teaching (Primary)

I have been teaching for around 10 years, interspersed with having a few children of my own, and have spent the majority of my teaching career with new entrants and year one. 

I love creating a classroom environment where the children know they are safe, loved and inspired and one of my most favourite things is seeing their 'yes' moment, where new learning is secured. My strengths are very literacy based and teaching writing is my true passion. As well as this, I love creating a bright and vibrant classroom full of beautiful artwork that show-case children's unique creativity.

I feel blessed to be a part of the Horizon team. This truly is the best school I have worked at and I'm excited for my own family to become life-long learners here too.

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June Port

Certificate of Teaching

Our family originally moved into the area in 1996 to manage Parklands Christian Camp. I became a tutor at Mahurangi Technical Institute before starting at Mahurangi Christian School (now Horizon School). My first position was as an office administrator, moving on to Reading Recovery and then settling into my current position.

I coordinate additional support for learners and liaise with their parents, teachers and other professionals who are involved. My heart sings when the support we have put in place can be seen in the changed life of the learners we work with. Making sure teachers and support staff get paid is greatly appreciated by those who work here at school.

My family and the time I spend with them creates the highlights in my life.

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Gael Adamson

Bachelor of Education

Originally from Scotland, I had the luck to meet and marry a young man from New Zealand while I was travelling. We have two boys who went to school locally but have since flown the nest.

I love the variety of my role in looking for ways to support students across years 0-13. There is no one-size-fits all, so I am on a continuous quest to up-skill, to understand and discover the best way forward for individuals.

Outside of school I enjoy spending time with family and friends. If the weather is right, you can find me either on or in the sea, or in the bush getting amongst nature.

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Michelle Diprose

Diploma in teaching, certificate in life coaching

My family moved to Snells Beach 23 years ago to start up an alternative education school. I love what the smaller community vibe brings, meeting new people and keeping active with my family.

The combination of teaching and life coaching led me to being a Wellbeing Coach at Horizon 2 days a week. I believe students need a safe place where they feel they belong and their strengths are celebrated.

I like nothing better than to connect with friends and family and enjoying what our community has to offer. One of my greatest achievements was walking Base Camp a few years ago.

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Joy Macleod

BED, Dip Teaching

I felt the call to become a teacher at the age of 17. Over the years I enjoyed teaching in a range of state schools at various levels. Most recently I was a classroom teacher at Matakana School for 16 years.

Having recently retired, I joined the staff at Horizon on a part time basis in Reading Recovery. I am thrilled to be doing this as I strongly believe early reading intervention for those who are struggling is essential to get them back on track and to assist and empower them in their future learning journey.

I really enjoy biking, with my husband David, gardening, tramping, swimming, and spending time at the beach. We also enjoy spending time with our family whenever we can.

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Marli Nadéle Finlay

I am married, and a mother of four sons. My family and I relocated from South Africa in January of 2018.

I am a teacher's aide, and I thoroughly enjoy assisting children who require additional support. It brings me great joy to witness their progress and development.

I am a person who prefers the comforts of home. I find great pleasure in reading and crocheting. Additionally, I truly value the infrequent chances to engage in social interactions with my friends. I cherish the moments spent with my family, whether it be on the farm or embarking on exciting adventures.

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Anne Cash

Masters in Paediatric Nursing

Originally a paediatric nurse, I have recently discovered teacher aiding and found that I love it! I really enjoy building relationships with students and working as part of a team with an awesome bunch of people. There is such satisfaction in seeing the kids thrive.

I feel very lucky to be working at Horizon. There is an incredible feeling of love and support at the school. It really is a very special place.

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